Countdown to Delphique 2020


Delphique 2020 presents an opportunity to the students to be a part of the Marketing Research Panel with HappCoach

Project Title: Video CV Project

About the Project: The easiest way to ‘jump off the page’ is to ditch the page and adopt a video CV! Every social media platform is now optimized for video views! The benefits of a video CV are immense. From creating a strong first impression to showcasing your authentic self. In a cluttered marketplace – Video CVs can become the ideal tool to stand out. Yet, there are no available tools and templates to build video CVs. The few available are expensive subscriptions that are not exclusive to creating resumes. Is there an opportunity to create a platform to deliver customized video CVs?

Key Deliverables: 
  • Brand Architecture (Happ Coach branded, StratGist branded or an independent brand)
  • Market Potential & Estimation
  • Product Contours
  • Go-To-Market Strategy