Countdown to Delphique 2020


Delphique 2015 presents an opportunity to the students to be a part of the Marketing Panel with Reckitt Benckiser

TopicWinning in e-commerce channel with focus on Hyper-Local customers

Define landscape of key players in online channel playing in ‘Hyper-Local’ model. For example, Groffers. How they are different Vs ‘Big 3’ in India in terms of business model? How can RB exponentially grow business with these chains?

Identify which product(s) in current RB India portfolio are most suitable for e-commerce channel

Define ‘what good looks like’ for top 3 chosen brands in online world – in offline world we define it in terms of 4Ps of sales fundamentals: Presence (distribution), Placement (shelving /displays), Pricing and Promotion. What are equivalent ‘Ps’ for online channel for these brands?

Identify key gaps for our focus brands in the channel basis assessment on parameters identified above. Suggest actions to bridge the gaps if any. Quantification of opportunity with expected size of prize will help where possible

The company is also finding that despite typical challenges faced by FMCG products in e-com channel (low consumer price, high weight), online interface offers immense opportunities for non-linear / out of box business ideas to explode business. Suggest 2-3 such ideas for our brands or offline sales infrastructure (using online capability). You may want to scan successful online grocery businesses outside of India or best practices used by competition (public information available / visible in the virtual store) to suggest how the company can improve.