Countdown to Delphique 2020


Delphique 2015 presents an opportunity to the students to be a part of the Strategy Panel with Michael Page

Research Panel Topic :  

Michael Page is looking forward to expand its base of the analytics business by exploring different industries. Currently, they have their recruitment services under five verticals namely Banking, HR, Sales and Marketing, Finance, Operations and Supply Chain and Accounting. The company wants to analyse the industries under the discipline of analytics business (except the banking domain) in which the company can foray into.

Research Parameters: 

  • Size of the Analytics employee base in an organization (Top 5 players in the industry)
  • Different kinds of Analytics done in the organization (Top 5 players in the industry)
  • Will the strategic function see growth in near future?
  • Is it done only for the Indian Business or for the other regional/global business?
  • How is the demand/supply equation for the business?

Research would consist of both primary and secondary research.